Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Window Cat

This drawing was inspired by my cat Gato. He likes to look outside a lot. I think this picture is kind of heartwarming. I don't know why.

Our Truth

This one is dumb. I don't really know why I drew it. In the left eye there are waves in the right there is a dragon breathing fire. It was supposed to stand for something like how harnessing each power you can be stronger. I really don't know what I was thinking when I made this.

Ninja Glare

This picture was inspired by a youtube video. I learned the move and thought it would be a cool picture. When you have a chance look up ninja glare on youtube.

Banana Fail

My brother got this shirt at Target that had the peanut butter jelly time banana on it. I thought it would be funny if judges didn't like it so I drew a stupid comic for the fun of it.

Happy Dog

This dog was inspired by the Happy Cat. I just drew it because when I hear cat I think dog. The two go hand in hand. I think the cat is better.

Happy Cat

This cat was inspired by a painting I kept seeing on the homepage of
I wanted to make my own version of it. I actually drew this at Red Robins.

Dragon At Sunset

This piece was just me trying to draw a European Dragon. It is probably the easiest to draw. It actually turned out pretty well. It's pretty bland though. No color, almost all rock. Too bad. I still like it.

Asian Lung Dragon Head

It took me 2 hours to draw this one. That is actually not that bad considering every 5 seconds I was looking at a picture. I finished it at midnight a couple days ago. I am very proud of this. I think it looks like I traced it. I love it!

Flying Asian Lung Dragon

This is an Asian Lung Dragon. It's the same as a Chinese Lung Dragon but they don't only live in China. The bottom is an original, the top is a copy colored with crayons. I hate crayons, but they have good colors. I wanted to practice drawing dragons, so this one came out first. The head is kind of messed up, but I'm bad with dimensions.

Sea Serpent

This is a sea serpent at night and its reflection in the water. It was inspired by another drawing sort of like it that I liked. I wanted to make my own version.

Tim Burton Heart

This picture was inspired by Tim Burton's Sandy Claws. It doesn't really represent anything. I drew it with sharpie.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Modern Civilization

This is my second abstract piece. It symbolizes modern civilization. The exploding tornado in the middle and the things to the left and right of it symbolize the unorganized hustle and bustle of our daily lives. The lighting bolts in different shades right next to each other stand for how people across the world are one. The waves stand for the little rebel in me and how I always tend to go against whatever is popular and swim my own way. The lines in the background up top symbolize how everyone crosses paths and how many people there are.


I drew this one because I was feeling pretty down in the dumps. The erased lines around the lady are supposed to give the impression the she is depressed. Whenever I am sad I get my best work. I like to leave mess ups in it to give it authenticity. You normally wouldn't notice it but I made the road signs wrong. You can't turn into a lane that is going the opposite direction. I decided against changing it because If I erased it the lines would still show through.

Green Dress

This is a dress I designed was inspired by a scarf on a plastic ring. I put the scarf around my neck with the ring on it and saw a dress in my head. As you can see, I messed up. This is a copy so I couldn't erase it. I just drew over it. I meant to make it a halter top.


This is my third abstract piece so far. I just started with the blue curvy thing and added random shapes. I just kinda went with my gut. I am thinking of painting this one on canvas.

My Artistic Fear

Just so you know, I have this fear of messing up an original pieces by coloring it so most of these aren't in color. The ones that are colored are copies of the originals. I might post the originals, I might not.

God Speech

I drew this one sometime after the December 25th in 2007. I was practicing negatives and positives. For those of you that don't know, That is when you color the dark part and the white parts make a picture. That animal down there is supposed to be a deer.

Misaki Sakurai

This is my best friends' role-play character Misaki Sakurai. She is half kitsune (fox). As you can tell by the three characters I drew, I am not very good at drawing people.

Reno Shishigami

This is Reno Shishigami, another role-play character. The figure on the left is his demon form. He never wears a shirt but wears a scarf. I don't really know why. The pencil made it a little light. Sorry about that.

Bigger Version

I'm still figuring out sizes so here's a bigger version.

Kyoudai Sakurabana

This is my thread role-play character named Kyoudai Sakurabana. I drew 2 other role-play characters, too.I did not create them but I drew them they way I saw them. I will post them next.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My First Follower!

Thank you Gwenyth! Guess what? As My first follower even though I haven't posted any pics yet, you win... that's right! Absolutely nothing!!!! Hooray!!! ^_^

Let Me Figure This Out...

Hi! GIG here! That's what I'm gonna call myself on my blog. Don't wanna use my real name. I will start posting my artwork as soon as I figure out how to post pictures. Keep checking! ^_^